Knowledge. Skill. Experience. It's how our agents maximise the value of your property. And it's how we've sold more properties in Australasia than any other real estate group.
Meet Peter
Peter Diamantidis is the No. 1 agent in St Marys, North St Marys, Werrington, Oxley Park, Kingswood
Average Days on the market
We sell a property every 1.6 days based on 2020 figures
Over 15,000
Registered buyers on our database
Our team is waiting to help you buy or sell your property at the perfect price.
See What Our Clients Say
Why trust us? Peter has over 250 5-star reviews on Rate My Agent
Excellent Sales Agent
I had the pleasure of selling my home through Peter. His experience and knowledge of the market is incredible. I highly recommend Peter to anyone who is looking to sell!!
- vendor
Highly recommended!
Peter is a hard working agent and was very professional. We had a smooth process of selling my property and would definitely sell with him again.
- vendor
Honest & Reliable
Peter is a professional, honest and reliable agent. He went above and beyond to meet my requirements.
- vendor
Great knowledge & great results
We would like to thank Peter for his hard work. We had a great experience in the overall process!
- vendor
Professionalism of a high standard
Sold my property in quick time for a great price I would highly recommend him
- Russell
Nice, pleasant, no pressure guy. Achieved more than we could have hoped
ery knowledgeable, courteous, quick to reply to correspondence. Winner. Sold at a higher price. What a surprise!!
- vendor
Excellent Service
Peter went above and beyond what we expected. He is knowledgeable of the current market and passionate!